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Medlar-With-Wesham Church of England Primary School

More Than I Am

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Week 1


Our book this week is ‘We are going on a bear hunt.’ We have been putting actions to the story and retelling it. We also thought of different hunts we could go on. What animals we would like to go and find. We had an owl hunt, a giraffe hunt and even a lizard hunt!

We have also been reading sentences and matching which picture the sentence matches with. We are becoming confident readers!

In Maths, we practised counting objects up to 20. We remembered to touch each object as we counted them and put them in a line to help us. We also counted to 20 and then backwards. 

In music, we added musical instruments to the story 'We are going on a bear hunt.' We listened to the different sounds the instruments made and chose which instrument would sound the best. For the snow-storm we used the triangle and for the forest we played the drums.

In Art, we started to create our African silhouette pictures. We spoke about sunsets and what colours we would need. We painted in lines and blended the colours together. We will add more detail next week.

In PE, we practised our jumping. We remembered to bend our knees when landing and stretching up tall to finish. We also walked across the beam; we were fantastic at walking on the bench so we turned it over to challenge ourselves.

In Maths, we have been looking at one more and one less than a given number. We have been looking at amounts of objects and deciding which is more and which is less.

We rolled a dice and found bears which had more and less than the number on the dice. 

In R.E, we learnt about the story of Noah’s Ark. We listened to the story and then acted it out using our own Ark. We collected two of every animal we could find in our classroom. 
We talked about Noah listening to what God told him to do and how he put his trust in God. God sent a rainbow to promise he wouldn’t flood the world again. We coloured in our own rainbows and spoke about why following rules and listening to others is important. We spoke about our school rules; Ready, Safe and Respect and why we have them. 

In Geography, we used Google maps to look at where we live. We created our own Wesham hunt, looking at all the special places in Wesham. We found our school, our Church the War memorial and AFC Football ground. Some of us even spotted our own homes when we were on our travels!

