Wow Computing Moments
Statement of Intent
At our school, we recognise that Computing is an essential part of the curriculum; a subject that not only stands alone but is woven as an integral part of all learning. Computing, in general, is an increasingly significant part of daily life, and children should be at the forefront of new technology in order to thrive in a digitally-advanced society. Computing within schools can therefore provide a wealth of learning opportunities and transferrable skills explicitly within the Computing lesson and across other curriculum subjects.
With the ever-increasing social media platforms used by children, we prioritise coaching our children (and parents) to remain safe and respectful online. Through a thorough and robust Computing curriculum, children will be able to develop a wide range of fundamental skills, knowledge and understanding that will enable them to participate actively, effectively and safely in the rapidly changing digital world. At our school the computing curriculum is delivered through the iLearn2 scheme of work and our PSHE Curriculum.
The intent of iLearn2 is to help pupils become independent, creative, safe, respectful and problem-solving digital citizens with a broad and transferrable skillset. iLearn2 makes computing fun for pupils, inspiring them to develop skills beyond the classroom and building an awareness of all the opportunities the subject provides.
iLearn2’s Progression of Skills page is the suggested teaching sequence of our activity packs and the skills within them. The page also includes how the activities meet the expectations of the national curriculum programmes of study for Key Stages 1 and 2. It has been designed to make sure pupils learn computing skills from the three recognised aspects of computing (below) within each year of their primary education. This means that pupils will build upon skills and concepts they established from the previous year and develop them further in the current and subsequent year.
Key Documents
How do pupils learn?
Class timetables have been built to ensure a broad and balanced curriculum.
Subjects have been blocked in a spaced retrieval model to support catch up and to build the frequency of History and wider curriculum subjects. This maximises learning time.
At Medlar with Wesham we have carefully selected the Computing Scheme from to support our CUSP curriculum and PSHE curriculums