What are the aims and objectives of PSHE Education in our school (HRSE)
Our curriculum aims to assist children to prepare for adult life by supporting them through their physical, emotional and moral development. This is by helping them to understand themselves, respect others and form and sustain healthy relationships. This includes providing them with opportunities to reflect on a variety of issues, beliefs and viewpoints, with the objective of them leaving us with:
- Practical wisdom.
- Spiritual awareness.
- A positive sense of themselves as in individual and a child of God.
- Positive relationships with others.
- Mutual respect for others.
- An understanding of differences between people and their viewpoints.
- A feeling of empowerment.
- Knowledge and understanding of a healthy and safe lifestyle both physical and mental.
- Aspirations for the adult world.
- Desire to uphold British values.
A key feature of effective PSHE Education (HRSE) is that pupils learn how to access appropriate support safely in school and outside for themselves and to help others when needed. We address this by signposting and empowering children throughout their PSHE lessons as they progress throughout the school.
What values underpin PSHE in our school?
Our curriculum promotes the spiritual, moral, social, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils.
The values we promote are:
- Courage
- Respect
- Hope
- Forgiveness
- Wisdom
- Faithfulness
We prepare pupils for the experiences, opportunities and challenges of everyday life now and in the future by tailoring our PSHE curriculum to the needs of the children and the needs of our local community.