Welcome to the Governor section of our school website. We hope this section provides the information that you were looking for however, should you require any further information relating to governance please do not hesitate to contact the Chair of Governors (Mrs Marjorie Towers) with your query via the school bursar ( or Headteacher (
Name | Category | Term of Office | Committees | Register of business interests/ Declaration of Interests |
Mrs Claire Panther | Headteacher | 01/09/2023 | Finance and Staffing Curriculum Premises EAL Safeguarding Admissions Appointed Governors/Performance Management Staffing Review and Dismissal Child Protection Staff Attendance, Discipline and Dismissal Appeals | None |
Mr Draper | Acting Deputy Headteacher
Observer | 01/09/2023 | Curriculum Finance and Staffing Premises Staffing Review and Dismissal | None |
Mrs J M Towers | Chairperson | 10/03/2014 | Finance and Staffing Curriculum Premises EAL Safeguarding Admissions Appointed Governors/Performance Management Staffing Review and Dismissal Child Protection Staff Attendance, Discipline and Dismissal Appeals | Governor of Arnold, King Edward School |
Mr C Barnes | Vice Chairperson
Chair of Finance | 01/09/2012 | Finance and Staffing | None |
Mrs E Bickerstaffe | Governor | 01/01/2013 | SEN Complaints Appeals Finance and Staffing After School Club | None |
Miss A Jordinson | Chair of Curriculum and Standards and Effectiveness | 24/08/21 | Curriculum and Standards and Effectiveness | None |
Mr P Stevens | Link Governor | 01/09/2014 | Finance and Staffing Admissions Pupil Discipline Staff Attendance, Discipline and Dismissal Appeals | None |
Mr R Nulty | Foundation Governor | 01/10/2012 | Finance and Staffing Curriculum Numeracy Appointed Governors/Performance Management Staff Attendance, Discipline and Dismissal Appeals Premises After School Club | Has no other work or associated interests.
Mr Nulty's wife is a Governor of Carr Hill and a Wesham Town Council member. |
Mr A McCann | Parent | 22/11/2021 | Standards and Effectiveness Curriculum | None |
Mr A Stannard | Chair of Premises | 21/10/2021 | Premises | None |
Mrs R Mitrica | Staff | 08/01/2021 | Premises Staffing and Finance Standards and Effectiveness Curriculum | None |
Mrs L Rowley | Foundation Governor | 01/9/2022 | Staffing and Finance Standards and Effectiveness Curriculum | None |