Physical Education at Medlar-with-Wesham
Intent Statement
At Medlar with Wesham, we want our children to keep mentally and physically fit. We want our children to love physical education and sport. We want them to have no limits to what their ambitions are and grow up inspired to be sport journalists, sport analysts, physiotherapists, personal trainers, nutritionists or gold medal winners.
At Medlar with Wesham Primary School, we believe, through experiences and a broad balanced and progressive curriculum tailored to all children, they will continue to have the confidence, physical competence, knowledge, motivation, knowledge and understand to value and take responsibility for their engagement in PE, physical activity, and sport.
Our intention is to develop a life long love of PE, sport and physical activity for every child at Medlar with Wesham. We help all children to make rapid progress in the social, mental and physical development. This helps them maintain a positive mental and physical outlook for the future.
What do we teach?
We teach a full curriculum of engaging and interactive PE lessons supported by PE Passport. All our PE lessons are progressive and enables all pupil to make progress in every lesson. Within the lessons, we develop physical skills and also help develop co-ordinaton and balance, boosting self esteem and confidence, encourage teamwork, build on social and communication skills to list a few. Physical Education lessons also teach children the importance of a healthy mind and body and how exercise and physical movement can help fulfil this.
How do pupils learn?
All lessons are carefully planned using PE Passport to improve each child’s physical skills. All lessons are active with teachers and coaches modelling skills and time for the children to practice and develop their skills.
‘Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.’
John F. Kennedy